
Image Result For Atalanta

Image Result For Atalanta

  • Atalanta Mythopedia

    Atalanta has appeared in several novels, too, such as Atalanta and the Arcadian Beast by Robert J. Harris and Jane Yolen and Outrun the Wind by Elizabeth .

  • Meleager Mythopedia

    Meleager, however, had fallen in love with Atalanta and offered her the boar’s hide, saying that it was hers because she drew first blood. This led to a quarrel between Meleager .

  • Greek Heroes Mythopedia

    Atalanta, a female hero connected with either Arcadia or Boeotia, proved herself more than equal to her male counterparts. A skilled hunter and warrior, she distinguished .

  • Althaea Mythopedia

    Althaea, daughter of Thestius, was the wife of the Calydonian king Oeneus. She was best known for bringing about the of her son Meleager after he killed her brothers in .

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